This year’s parade theme is “It’s A Purple Party”. Come join the fun by either entering a float or watching on the sidelines; whichever way will be an event to remember. The parade starts at 10:30 a.m. and runs through the park, out to Hwy 200, ending at Cedar. Registration and lineup starts at 10 a.m. For more information or to pre-register, please contact Preston Wenz at 406-242-5221. Volunteers are also needed to help with this event.
Grand Prize winner will be presented the day of the parade.
Grand Prize and Floats must represent parade theme.
2019 “Huckleberry Cheers to Forty Years!” Parade Winners
Best Themed Float: Miss Huckleberry/Huck Finn Talent Contest Winners
Best in Show: Huckleberry Hounds – Sanders County Dog Training Club
Most Humorous: Huckleberry Fairies Cousins ~ Dawn & Mary Bielenberg
Best Non-Motorized: Sanders County Seniors
Best Single: Pygmy Goat with Natasha Fisher
Best Motorized: Cabinet Ridge Riders
2018 “Montana’s Best In The Wild West” Parade Winners
Best Themed Group: Huckleberry Hounds
Best Themed Float: Sanders County Public Health
Best Car: Richard Amerman
Most Humorous: Cabin Crew
Best Equestrian: Town Posse ~ Faith & Daisy
Best in Show: Beauties and the Beast
Best Tractor: Betty & Garry Johnson
2017 “Home Sweet Huckleberry” Parade Winners
Best Themed Group:
Best Single Entry:
Best Themed Float:
Best Truck:
Best Bicycle:
Best Car:
Most Humorous:
Best Equestrian:
Best in Show:
2016 “Huckleberry Rock n’ Roll” Parade Winners
Best Themed Group: Nine Pipes Rock ‘n Roll Peddlers
Best Single Entry: Bruce Wortley
Best Themed Float: Sander County Dog Training Club
Best Truck: George Morgan
Best Bicycle: Noxon/Trout Creek Community Ambulance
Best Car: Les Dean
Most Humorous: Sgt, Peppers Lonley Hearts Club Band
Best Equestrian: Megan Stevens and the Huckleberry Beatles
Best in Show: Cabinet Ridge Riders Tribute to “Glen Smith”